Search engine optimization for website

Writing Keyword Rich Text - Part 1    

If you have chosen your keywords, now its time to build the web pages to optimize for them.


We call this writing keyword rich text. The tricky part when developing keyword rich text is trying to please two very important entities - your customers and the spiders. Both are equally important. In this case, you cannot have one without the other. Your page must be written cleverly as to deliver your keywords as many times as you can. However, it cannot be confusing or redundant to your customers. You must be able to use the keywords without your customers catching on. If they start to see a pattern, they may very well be turned off. This gives you sort of two tasks at the same time.


Not only do you have to write keyword rich text, you have to be aware of how the text sounds and where you place your keywords. Through all this, we also have to be careful of spamming. If you go too far with keywords in your text, you may be punished for spamming by the search engine. Doing this properly will require a little work on your behalf, but should be simple. We will first start with a home page example on an imaginary web site called widget warehouse.
We are going to write a block of body text with the keyword widget in mind. I have placed my keyword in bold for you to see. I would not do this on the actual site, just for you to see in our example. Here is the text I created:

Widget warehouse USA in the number one dealer of widgets in the world. We carry the most complete selection of widgets available on the Internet for purchase. At Widget Warehouse, we are your one stop shop for all your widget needs. At Widget Warehouse, customer service is our number one priority. If you plan to buy a blue Widget, red Widget or green Widget, shop on line with confidence in our totally secure shopping cart. Nobody sell more Widgets then Widget Warehouse!

This block of text is going to be used as my opening statement on the web site. It is the very first words the search engine spider will read on my web site. If you notice, I used my chosen keyword "widget", as the first word on the page. This is highly advised and should be done on every page if possible. It is the very first word the spider will read and combined with the other elements, will be a very powerful combination.

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Search Engine Optimization For Website

Why Need Search Engine Optimization
What are true high rankings?
How search engines work
     Spider indexed search engines
     Human indexed search engines
Choosing a good domain name
Choosing the right hosting company
Introduction to keywords
Choosing keywords
Writing keyword rich text
Website page layout
Common SEO Mistakes
Avoiding mistakes
Large graphics
Popup windows
Password protected pages
Image maps
PDF files
Dynamic pages
Basic SEO Strategies

Introduction to Meta Tags
Title tag strategies
Meta description strategies
Meta keyword strategies
Alt tags
Submitting your website
Importance of outside links
Search Engine Optimization scams

Advanced SEO Strategies 
Building a doorway page system
How to hide links
Text links
Graphic links
Choosing your search terms
Creating the doorway pages
Creating the site map page
Adding the site map link
Adding the doorway pages
SEO Linking Strategies

Link Popularity
Google PageRank
Linking Strategies