Search engine optimization for website

Introduction to Meta Tags - Part 1  

Every web site in existence is built on what is called HTML code. Within a HTML based web page is the ability to use what are called meta tags. How these tags are used has become a major part of most web site optimizing efforts. Whether or not the use of these tags actually has helped these companies or individuals in their efforts is another story all together. In the majority of cases, it probably did not. Actually, the use of meta tags in the area of web site optimization is the most abused, most misunderstood and most talked about. Over the last five years, meta tags have been sold as a magical solution to high rankings by many confused web developers and "snake oil" salesman.


The truth is that meta tags do play an important role in the game of web site optimization if used properly. The effectiveness meta tags is limited to their involvement with the rest of your web sites' elements. To reach high rankings, you need to pull all of the available optimizing resources together. I decided early that it was best to research what everyone else was teaching or preaching about website optimization - including meta tags - before I began writing. I wanted to get an idea of how far behind our current experts were, and who was teaching proper methods. I downloaded over 500 pages on the subject via the Internet and began to read through all of it. I quickly realized that virtually every single published report was similar to all of the rest. Every single company, individual or consultant was copying his report from another and putting a new spin on it to make it appear to be original.


After reading about one third of the documents, I threw them all away. I saw no value in reading on. Every page and report was identical. What we now have is thousands of experts sharing and stealing the same material. One example that really blew me away was a published book on search engine optimization that I recently scanned through. It was nothing more then all of the same reports available online in a printed form. I could immediately tell by the way many topics were labeled. It also read like a series of reports. There was no real beginning and no real end. The whole book was a jumbled mess of repetitive nonsense. The two incompetent authors apparently just downloaded hundreds of reports and decided to compile them into a book.

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Search Engine Optimization For Website

Why Need Search Engine Optimization
What are true high rankings?
How search engines work
     Spider indexed search engines
     Human indexed search engines
Choosing a good domain name
Choosing the right hosting company
Introduction to keywords
Choosing keywords
Writing keyword rich text
Website page layout
Common SEO Mistakes
Avoiding mistakes
Large graphics
Popup windows
Password protected pages
Image maps
PDF files
Dynamic pages
Basic SEO Strategies

Introduction to Meta Tags
Title tag strategies
Meta description strategies
Meta keyword strategies
Alt tags
Submitting your website
Importance of outside links
Search Engine Optimization scams

Advanced SEO Strategies 
Building a doorway page system
How to hide links
Text links
Graphic links
Choosing your search terms
Creating the doorway pages
Creating the site map page
Adding the site map link
Adding the doorway pages
SEO Linking Strategies

Link Popularity
Google PageRank
Linking Strategies