Search engine optimization for website

Meta Keyword Strategies - Part 1

Meta keywords are one of the most abused tags in business of HTML and search engine optimization today.

Meta keywords have been sold to many as the cure all to top search engine positioning problems. Meta tags still rank number one (even today) when it comes to conning the public into buying search engine positioning services. It quick and easy to throw a hundred meta tags onto a site and claim that it is now optimized. Unfortunately, meta tag keywords just do not have that kind of power.

Years ago, I believe that search engines did give much more weight to Meta tags. Originally, search engine designers thought that this would give web site programmers the ability to tell the spider where to index the pages from a category standpoint. If site position was not so valuable to businesses, this may have actually worked. As with anything, as soon as search engine optimization became a large-scale moneymaker, it was exploited. Eventually, it became a massive problem where sites could rank based on irrelevant meta tag keywords, and actually receive traffic. A web site could have nothing to do with Elvis Presley, but if its meta tags contained his name, it would receive a boatload of traffic. However, this was starting to piss a lot of copyright and trademark owners off, and soon meta tag lawsuits began to appear.

My opinion on the results of this is purely speculation. In order to rectify this problem, search engines decided the only way to allow someone to achieve ranking on a web page was to make sure that the page was truly based on that topic.


What is not speculation however is the fact that meta tags no longer carry any weight with search engines. They have not in quite a long time. With the new search engine criteria that we are seeing today, it all about what your page says. In the past, people would stick words like Ford in their Meta keyword line to gain traffic on that search term even if they weren’t selling Ford automobiles.

Presently, that method will no longer work. As you have already learned, your chosen keyword must be present on you page in a multitude of areas. Because of these new set of rules, if you decide to try to capitalize on another companies name or trademark, it will be openly seen.chinese astrology resources

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Search Engine Optimization For Website

Why Need Search Engine Optimization
What are true high rankings?
How search engines work
     Spider indexed search engines
     Human indexed search engines
Choosing a good domain name
Choosing the right hosting company
Introduction to keywords
Choosing keywords
Writing keyword rich text
Website page layout
Common SEO Mistakes
Avoiding mistakes
Large graphics
Popup windows
Password protected pages
Image maps
PDF files
Dynamic pages
Basic SEO Strategies

Introduction to Meta Tags
Title tag strategies
Meta description strategies
Meta keyword strategies
Alt tags
Submitting your website
Importance of outside links
Search Engine Optimization scams

Advanced SEO Strategies 
Building a doorway page system
How to hide links
Text links
Graphic links
Choosing your search terms
Creating the doorway pages
Creating the site map page
Adding the site map link
Adding the doorway pages
SEO Linking Strategies

Link Popularity
Google PageRank
Linking Strategies