Search engine optimization for website


Some people will claim that Flash on your web site does not slow the page down. Anything that your browser must interpret before it displays the page fully, takes up time no matter how you slice it. Sure, if a customer is using a top speed cable modem to view your page, Flash will not make a difference. But, if the customer is cruising around on an older computer with a 14.4 modem or even a 28.8 modem, Flash is going be a big problem. In order to view a Flash page, the individual visiting the page must have a browser with a flash plug in. Older browsers will not contain the flash plug in needed to view a Flash page. If your customer does not have the Flash plug in, your site is not going to load, for A period.

If you are attempting to make money with your web site, forget the fancy look. Your site needs to be professional and easy to read. It should look inviting, but not overly fancy. Web sites do not need special effects to reach customers. One web designer told me recently that Flash is not a problem because of their high-end clients. His belief was that If the customer is still using a 14.4 modem, they probably do not have the money to be a potential customer in the first place. What a sales pitch if I ever heard one.

I have a retired family member who is very wealthy but is cruising the Internet with a Pentium 75 and 14.4 modem. He occasionally buys some fishing lures online. When he purchased that Pentium 75, it was the top computer available. Today, he may not be technologically up to date, but is still a very valuable customer.

The biggest reason that I would not recommend flash is the way it will interfere with the spiders ability to optimize your web site. One exception for flash however, may be If you are working with an entertainment site. With these sites, visual is everything and web site optimization may not be a concern.

Flash and Shock Wave Overview

1. Because older browsers will not contain the plug in needed, these may hurt sales.

2. May be good for entertainment sites.

3. Flash and Shock Wave is very impressive to see on a web site, but cannot be indexed by search engine spiders.

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Search Engine Optimization For Website

Why Need Search Engine Optimization
What are true high rankings?
How search engines work
     Spider indexed search engines
     Human indexed search engines
Choosing a good domain name
Choosing the right hosting company
Introduction to keywords
Choosing keywords
Writing keyword rich text
Website page layout
Common SEO Mistakes
Avoiding mistakes
Large graphics
Popup windows
Password protected pages
Image maps
PDF files
Dynamic pages
Basic SEO Strategies

Introduction to Meta Tags
Title tag strategies
Meta description strategies
Meta keyword strategies
Alt tags
Submitting your website
Importance of outside links
Search Engine Optimization scams

Advanced SEO Strategies 
Building a doorway page system
How to hide links
Text links
Graphic links
Choosing your search terms
Creating the doorway pages
Creating the site map page
Adding the site map link
Adding the doorway pages
SEO Linking Strategies

Link Popularity
Google PageRank
Linking Strategies