Search engine optimization for website

How Search Engines Work

Before you can actually begin to start optimizing a web site, you must understand how search engines and their spiders work. This information will give you a head start on the process of building an optimized web site.

Almost daily, I meet web designers that do not truly understand the function of search engines. This usually results in poorly developed web sites that usually disappear on the Internet, never to be seen again. Sure, anyone can build a web site with a little practice. However, knowing how search engines work and building a web site that meets their criteria and achieves top ranking results is quite different.

There presently exist two types of major search engines, spider indexed and human indexed. It is important to understand the differences between the two because the way they index pages will dramatically effect your sites position.

For the most part, search engines were designed to index and display web sites and their pages. Sort of an online yellow pages. When a search engine displays its results, the pages seen are a result of how the site was either submitted or displayed on that page.

Search engines are displaying what was fed to them from an information standpoint. How this information is “fed” to the search engine is where some of the major differences come into play. This is where you come in. You are in total control of what a search engines sees when it comes to your site.

Keep in mind that the main idea of web site optimization is about getting ranked on search engines. It has nothing to do with how fancy your web site looks. About 95% of the search engines on the Internet are self indexing or spider robot indexed. The other 5% are human indexed.

We will discuss the differences between the two in a moment. At this juncture, the important point to learn is that human indexed search engines cannot be manipulated. You cannot optimize your web site for human indexed search engines. Unless you know someone and can pay them off, you are out of luck. The good news is that human indexed search engines represent a very small percentage of search engines. Because of this, we will not spend much time on the subject of human indexed search engines. Lets look at them both at this time to better understand how they work.

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Search Engine Optimization For Website

Why Need Search Engine Optimization
What are true high rankings?
How search engines work
     Spider indexed search engines
     Human indexed search engines
Choosing a good domain name
Choosing the right hosting company
Introduction to keywords
Choosing keywords
Writing keyword rich text
Website page layout
Common SEO Mistakes
Avoiding mistakes
Large graphics
Popup windows
Password protected pages
Image maps
PDF files
Dynamic pages
Basic SEO Strategies

Introduction to Meta Tags
Title tag strategies
Meta description strategies
Meta keyword strategies
Alt tags
Submitting your website
Importance of outside links
Search Engine Optimization scams

Advanced SEO Strategies 
Building a doorway page system
How to hide links
Text links
Graphic links
Choosing your search terms
Creating the doorway pages
Creating the site map page
Adding the site map link
Adding the doorway pages
SEO Linking Strategies

Link Popularity
Google PageRank
Linking Strategies